Tuesday 29 July 2014

Dark Brown Sugar Sweet Bun


Two soft sweet loaves with dark brown sugar replacing half of the white sugar content of the roti bun recipe. Personally, I found the dark brown sugar roti bun smell better than the original version.
The loaves were so soft that a good bread knife faced difficulty in slicing the bread in danger of compromising its height. You'll understand what I mean when you start slicing your nice soft loaf ^^

Yield: two 10x9x10cm loaves 

140g bread flour 高筋面粉
15g top flour 低筋面粉
15g fine sugar 细糖
15g dark brown sugar 黑糖
10g condensed milk 炼乳
15g beaten egg 蛋液
1/2 tsp instant dry yeast 即发干酵母粉
1/8 tsp salt 盐
90g whole milk 全脂牛奶
20g unsalted butter 无盐奶油

Some beaten egg for glazing 蛋液

1. If you are using fridge-cold milk, you can warm the whole milk and condensed milk in rice cooker for 10 minutes.
Or, you can leave them in room temperature for about 20 to 30 minutes.

2. Sprinkle yeast over the surface of the warm milk without stirring it. Let it stand for about 10 minutes till foamy.
The temperature of the warm milk should not exceed 38 degree Celsius.

3. Mix all the remaining ingredients, except butter, in a mixing bowl. 

4. Slowly add in the yeast milk mixture and stir in one direction till it combine into a lump. Let it rests for 20 minutes to allow the flour to fully absorb the liquid.

5. As the dough is quite sticky, wearing a CPE disposable gloves would make kneading easier. Knead the dough by slamming, pulling, and folding the dough, until the dough becomes smooth. This process takes about 10 minutes.

6. Spread out the dough and apply softened butter over it. Knead to incorporate butter into the dough.

7. Continue to knead by repeating the slamming, pulling, and folding process, till you can stretch out the dough into a thin membrane. This takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

8. Shape the dough into a ball by pulling down the sides several times, till the dough surface is stretched and smooth, and seal at the bottom. 

9. Place the dough into a lightly greased mixing bowl. Spray some water over the dough, cover with a lid and let it proof for about 60 minutes, or till it doubles in size.

10. At the end of proofing, turn out the dough onto a floured surface and flatten the dough with your palm.

11. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions, about 157g each. 

12. Roll up the dough. 

Fold into half, to allow the two ends meet.

Shape the dough into a ball by pulling down the sides of the dough several times till the surface is tight and smooth, and seal at the bottom. 

13. Place the doughs into a 20x10x6cm lightly greased loaf pan . Spray some water over them.

14. Proof the doughs for 50 minutes , or till the dough is about 1cm above the rim of the pan, with the oven door close.

15. At the end of 50 minutes, remove the dough from the oven. And preheat the  oven to 180 degree Celsius.

14. Apply egg wash over the surface of the dough.

16. Place the loaf at lower rack, and bake  at 180 degree Celsius for about 18 to 20 minutes, or till the top turns golden brown.

17. Remove the loaf and pan from the oven, and invert out the loaf immediately.

18. Let the loaf cools own  on a wire rack before slicing. Serve fresh :)

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